Sidechick: He Drops You Off And Drives Back To His Wife And Kids



  1. He drops you off and drives back to his wife and kids.
  2. He throws away used C’ondoms as he goes home.
  3. He buys sweets to clean your fragrance no matter how expensive it can be.
  4. He forgives himself for cheating as he is driving to the mother of his Children.

4 He first takes shower to remove your unwanted sweats.

  1. He then convinces him self that he can’t leave his Wife and Children because of you.
  2. He hugs her and ask his children about education.
  3. He eats food cooked by his wife. After eating he relax on the couch, and they both go to the bedroom. Then they make love (Not s£x which he had with you).
  4. He doesn’t take a bath after it because he is used to that Aroma of his Wife

9.. And you are alone struggling with s£x because he just did a fast quikie one.

  1. Your Mother seats & boast of how well she has brought you up, she knows you are a discplined daughter not knowing that you are slowly turning to the resting zone of a bored and distracted Husband of some one.
  2. He picks his wife’s call in front of you but can never do same when he is with his wife.
  3. He moves around with his wife in public but hides to see you. Who do you think owns the man?
  4. He attends key activities with his wife but none with you.
  5. Everyone knows his wife but nobody knows about you, except the bad friends that are encouraging him to cheat.
  6. You start feeling like you are not having him enough, then you decide to get pregnant for him to trap him down.
  7. His wife is already pregnant for him and he tells you to get rid of your own.
  8. You refuse thinking he is going to change his mind, but he does not. He carries his wife to the clinic and passes you on the street trekking to go for clinic equally, as if he does not know you.
  9. He starts regretting his actions but still hangs around because of pity. You decide to use the pregnancy to get his attention. He shows you the attention but after you put to birth, he tells you he is done, and you can only Co-Parent the child from a distance.
  10. You cry and weep and wish you never got pregnant for him. Thats how you end up a single mother.
  11. You cry & conclude all men are w!cket. He is not going to leave his wife and kids for you. His wife have 80% of what he wants in a woman, its just adventure that made him came for the 20% you have. But nobody can leave 80% for 20%. Then you threaten to open up to his wife. He rather opens up to his wife & ask for forgiveness blaming you to be the cause of him cheating.
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My sister it is not too late to do what is right. Find your own Man and God will surely bless you. Don’t make this kind of irreversible mistakes.

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