“2027 Wataweza Ruto Kweli” Details Emerge On Gideon Moi’s Party To Join Ruto’s UDA


Kenya Kwanza party,a political party similar to NARC of 2002 is in the offing. The party will bring several political parties like UDA, ANC, Ford-Kenya, Maendeleo Chap Chap, Chama Cha Kazi , PAA and many others together with the respective maintaining their own independence outfit while under the banner of Kenya Kwanza party similar to NARC or PNU.

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In addition, reliable reports indicate that KANU of Gideon Moi is also likely to join the winning team of Ruto and Musalia after they realized Azimio under Raila &Uhuru is headed nowhere.

This is the ONLY opportunity for any Azimio cult follower to join the winning team and the government and shun that cult that will lead you permanently into opposition and doom.

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Honestly Let me ask you; If Raila and Uhuru LOST in 2022 with the DEEP STATE, SYSTEM and MONEY from all the Dynasties and Mt Kenya foundation on their side, 2027 ndiyo watawezana the GENIUS William Ruto??

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