Big Nyash: Why Most Women With Big Nyash Fell On Top Of The World


Most times, women with big bum bum are so full of themselves and entitled. They feel on top of the world because they are always getting attention from guys as a result of their big nyashi

It is true that most men are attracted to women with big bum bum but that shouldn’t make them be feeling entitled and proud.

Ladies with big bum bum should calm down. A big bum bum can attract a man to a lady but it can’t sustain a relationship, the truth is that most of the ladies with big bum bum get used by multiple men & end up finding it hard to settle in marriage because every man wants to have a taste of them, if a big nyashi lady doesn’t have a no in her mouth to men’s proposals, she will sleep with the whole village

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Femininity, submission, good behaviour and good communication skills are the basic tools that a woman needs to possess to be able to sustain a relationship not big nyashi.

We love and appreciate everyone woman.
This post is not meant to harm anyone but for educational purposes & lastly if you have big bum bum please say no to proposals if you have a man because you will end up being a men’s toy…

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