How Luo Nyanza Region Is Enjoying Power For The First Time Under Ruto’s Administration


For the first time Luo-Nyanza region is enjoying RAW power under President William Ruto’s administration. Sons and Daughters of Luo-Nyanza that were marginalized since Independence by Uhuru Kenyatta’s father who placed Jaramogi Oginga Odinga under house arrest and neglected Luos in State positions are now enjoying under Ruto.

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Kisumu Senator Professor Tom Ojienda and several Luo-Nyanza MPs aboard Kenya Air force….This wouldn’t happen in a Kikuyu led government of Uhuru Kenyatta or Mwai Kibaki.

This is possible because the PS for Interior comes from Homa Bay in Luo-Nyanza. A position a Luo couldn’t hold in Uhuru’s administration or Kibaki’s or Kenyatta’s. Under Uhuru , the PS for Interior would always automatically come from Kikuyuland.

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It is ONLY under President William Ruto that the Kikuyunization of the DEEP state has stopped and now a son of a Luo is now PS for Interior..

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