Why Raila Odinga’s Statement Might Lead Him To Lose AU Seat


On a face value and simplistic political lenses, one will question why Raila should make this kind of disparaging statement against Ruto and his government, yet the President is doing all he can to see that Raila gets elected as the AU chairman.

But on a deeper understanding of Kenya’s politics, you will resign to the fact that all our politicians have always been playing to the gallery. Fact is, until we change our mindsets on our politics and about what our politicians can and cannot do, we will continue being their slaves.

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Fact number two, there is little that Ruto or Raila can do to change our lives for the better, your prosperity and growth is your own personal responsibility and it rests squarely with you. Even if Ruto brings unga to 50 bob and you can’t hustle for that 50 bob, you won’t afford it.

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Point is, politicians both in the government and in the opposition will keep lamenting and issuing statements, but all that will not change anything if you can’t work on yourself. Just like them, differentiate between politics and real life’s interests and handle them separately.

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