Congratulations: Stephen Letoo Holds Another Celebration in Honor Of His Newly Wedded Wife


The famous Citizen TV News reporter Stephen Letoo has revealed that he is now married officially after holding a wedding at Ole Ntimama stadium. According to his post which he shared on the social media platforms, Stephen Letoo revealed that he will be holding a final party to welcome his wife in the community. Despite that, the wife was allocated wealth which includes goats and cows.

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“Today in Kilgoris Marks the last Celebration according to Maasai traditions for her to fully take up her role as a wife. She was ushered in by women to her new home and my age set renamed her from Renoi to Kiramatisho according to Maa customs. She has also been allocated her wealth that includes Cows and Goats to make her household complete. Cows were slaughtered in her honor. Congratulations Kiramatisho and Mrs. Letoo”, Stephen Letoo said.

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