1) Avoid Bamburi & Mtwapa Women

2) Buy vegetables from Kongowea

3)Live in Likoni it’s cheaper

4) Cross the ferry early , cross back late to avoid traffic

5) First dates are at Mama Ngina

6) Do not go down on Digo women. Utalishwa limbwata usahau kwenu kaka

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7) Tuk Tuk Short distance fare is 50/=

8) Matatu Short Distance fare is 30/= stage to stage

9) Tudor,Kisauni & Bamburi javs have the highest number of phone thieves & pickpockets

10) Mikindani is a great alternative to Likoni

11) Kumamaye is a greeting in Mvita

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12) Do not drink street water during the rainy season. Drink bottled water

13) SGR to town is 200/=

14) Best Madafu is sold at Chondochondo Mama Ngima pale Gorilla

15) Buy and Build in likoni at the shelly beach side. Area not affected by flood.

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