Here Are 4 Tough Questions About Mai Mahiu Tragedy


Something about that Mai Mahiu tragedy just doesn’t sit right. Pertinent questions are to be raised and answered:

  1. If what NTV is alluding to is correct, what blocked the tunnel?
  2. For how long was the tunnel blocked?
  3. Didn’t anyone notice the build-up of water? And if they did, what was done about it? Were the relevant authorities appraised of the same? Who are they?
  4. If indeed they were, what actions did they take? Were the residents downhill alerted? Asked to proactively evacuate to safe ground? If they were, why didn’t they heed the call?
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It is indeed discombobulating! We trust the authorities for a thorough postmortem of this sad event and for anyone found culpable to be held to account.

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