Man Divorces Wife Of 5 Years, Marries Maid



Man divorces wife of 5 years, marries maid;
Read the shocking reason below

According to reports, the man filed for divorce in court, insisting that he doesn’t want to be reconciled with his wife, as he has decided to divorce her and marry their maid.

But the wife protested against the suit, saying she loved her husband dearly and never understand why he would divorce her and get their maid to be his wife.

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When the court asked the man what he had to say in response to his wife’s position, he categorically said that he was not going to change his mind as his decision was final.

He went on to tell the Court that he had enough from his wife who was too lazy to do house chores leaving everything to be done by the maid.

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The man explained that on two occasions, Elders had sat them down in trying to help them resolve their marriage crisis, but there had been no change.

He said all what the wife did at home was just busy issuing instructions to their maid whilst she would be sitting.

Please women try to do some house chores and don’t leave everything in the hand of your maid.

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