Difference Between A Young Couple And A Mature Couple

  1. A young couple is scared by disagreements. A mature couple appreciates disagreements and have learnt to talk them through
  2. A young couple wait for the other person to change in order for to change, they revenge a lot. A mature couple takes individual responsibility to make the marriage work, doing good not depending on your spouse
  3. A young couple wants to spend so much time together as a sign of love. A mature couple knows you can love each other and still give each other room to do other things for personal growth
  4. A young couple tends to turn to God often during crisis. A mature couple relies on God in good and bad times
  5. A young couple can easily judge other couples whose marriages have ended or going through turmoil and even judge the singles. A mature couple knows that each person, each couple has their story; they are not more special than others
  6. A young couple tends to put emphasis on sex. A mature couple tends to put emphasis on intimacy, not just a climax
  7. A young couple can give each other silent treatment, sleep in different rooms, take breaks or even choose not to come home during fights. A mature couple solves issues quickly, they make time for conversations to solve matters. “Even if you are mad at me, come to our room. Let’s talk”
  8. A mature couple panics when they go through moments of challenges, not so romantic feelings and exhaustion. A mature couple knows that marriage has different seasons but love remains the same
  9. A young couple can let ego and pride get in the way of love. A mature couple submits to love
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May your love mature

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