I Discovered She Slept With Moses While We Were Having Issues


We had a problem. For three days we didn’t talk. She was at fault but never accepted her fault. I decided to be the bigger person. I called and we settled it. A week later, I discovered she slept with Moses while we were having issues.

I confronted her with the evidence available to me. She couldn’t lie. She said, “I thought we were over. You made it look like you were not coming back.”

“Just three days?”

It was hard but I forgave her when she pulled support from my friends and her friends to beg on her behalf. Not too long afterwards, her junior sister died. She was down for days. I was by her side, consoling and telling her to look at the brighter side.

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Two weeks after her sister’s death, I found out again that she had slept with another guy. I knew the guy. He proposed to her and she said no. She herself came to tell me when the guy proposed. My heart was broken. “Your sister is in the fridge and you’re already sleeping around? What’s wrong with you?”

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“Forgive me. I was depressed. It’s depression that pushed me to do it. Please don’t leave me. If you do my world will come to an end.”

I’m not going to forgive her this time but I’m scared she’ll hurt herself. Me out of the picture and the death of her sister might push her to hurt herself. I don’t want to have anything to do with her but how do I handle it safely? So she doesn’t do anything crazy.

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