Here Are Signs Of A Foolish Girlfriend


One of the signs of a foolish girlfriend is that she is always asking for transport from the boyfriend every time they have a meeting and I mean EVERY TIME. How are you going to be a helper If you can’t even spend a few coins on your own transport to come to a meeting where a man is buying ALL THE FOOD? Is this not parasitic? Some of you are just too selfish and greedy for marriage, you are like a life draining vampire, selfish to the marrow, a man is helpless in your presence and yet you call yourself a helper. You need to change your behavior.

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I know I have come out strong on this one but we thank God you are been delivered by these words. Next time you are meeting your boyfriend use your own money for transport, you are a HELPER not a PARASITE.

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Never forget my sisters, YOU ARE OUR HELPERS. Help us to see your ability to HELP even in small quantities before we commit to marrying you. Men need helpers not life suckers and glutinous destiny hackers.

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