The First Thing You Will Forget After Death



The first thing you will forget after death is your Name. That’s reason why when you die, they will say: where is the dead body?

By the time they will pray for you, they will say bring the corpse. They will not call you your name.
. when they are about to bury you, they will say bring the dead body. They won’t call you by your name.

Don’t let your people, your tribe your friends, your position or even your wealth or your Origin get you carried away (to forget where you will return to)…

The world is the smallest thing. Where we will return is the biggest.

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And there are things made of gold..


  1. The people who do not know you very well Will say: poor soul (Servant of Allah).
  2. Your friends will be in sadness for hour or days and after that they will go back to their normal activities.
  3. There will be an extreme sadness in your house but they will also go to their normal life after maximum of one 1 or 2 or even up to a year of sadness. From there they will put you inside the grave.

That is the end of your story amongs people.
Your actual story will begin after death, that is hereafter.

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Indeed you have lost..

  1. Beauty
  2. wealth
  3. Health
  4. Children
  5. Story
  6. Houses and
  7. Women.

You have started an everlasting life (hell fire or Al jannah).

The question here is: what were you doing so good before you died? This is a truth that needs a deeps thinking.

Please dedicate yourself to this :

  1. Always Observe your 5 daily prayers.
  2. Sunnah
  3. Give charity
  4. Night prayer
    You might be save by this acts of worship.

If you could also help other people by spreading this message by the will of Allah: In Sha Allah you will get an immense reward from Allah added to your other good deeds on the day of judgement.

May Allah make it easy for us. AMEEN 💞

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